As humans, if we see someone in our family suffering, we do all we can to help them to feel better including giving them whatever medicines they need. When it comes to our pets, it's not as simple. Yes, we have vets we can go to when we don't know how to help our four legged angels but what if it is a know issue like old age? For instance, I have four dogs. Our largest and oldest, Lola is 16 years old. I know the vet will say "well, there isn't much you can do but try this". In that moment, I don't know if Lola is going to respond favorably or not to whatever is prescribed. Yes, she's old and with old age comes the sensitive stomach, the pickiness as to what she will or will not take, the response that certain supplements have on her body. If I see or hear about a product, I like to research it and find out the advantages or disadvantages it may have with Lola. In a vets office, I can't really do that but online I can.
Lola is a very large dog and can't keep her weight down since she can't really run anymore. I stopped trying to make her run when she fell and had a hard time getting back up again. She has started to limp lately and it breaks my heart to see her like that. I try to give her a pain reliever but every single time, she finds that pill and spits it out. So I try to crush the pill and put it on some bread or meat. she will try to shake off the medicine and THEN eat the bread or meat. There is no getting around it, if she doesn't want something, she's not going to eat it. So after a lot of research on Glucosamine, I found dog treats at Petsmart that seemed to do pretty well with all of the dogs. I figured if they give humans glucosamine, it should work with dogs as well. For the most part, they did work but then she just recently started limping a lot more. That's when I found out about K9 Joint Relief. I spoke with the owner Tim, explained my needs with Lola and he answered all the questions I had. K9 Joint Relief is a really great company to work with.
When the product got here, it was a really big bottle. I shook the bottle like I was supposed to and proceeded to give Lola her first dose. She is a big dog (like I've said before), so she would get one tablespoon in the morning and one in the afternoon. The liquid was a bit thick and resembled beef broth. I breathed in and thought to myself, "here goes nothing". Lola is a picky eater and she had no problems whatsoever with the supplement. She LOVED it! Each time she sees the bottle now, she drops her ball and comes as close to running as possible. I've only been using it for about a week and am already seeing results. The company says that optimal results are reached within 4 to 6 weeks. Lola is more engaged with the other dogs, she's playing more and is more vocal. K9 Joint Relief will be something I will be purchasing from now on.
K9 Joint relief has so many "good for you" ingredients for your dog. Some of the active ingredients are Glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, Manganese, Grapeseed Oil and Horsetail Herb. Humans take a lot of these supplements for joint problems as well. The K9 Joint Relief is made in the United States and one thing I think is awesome is their Glucosamine is shellfish free. Most makers of glucosamine for dogs make their products with shellfish. K9 Joint Relief makes sure to keep your dogs best interests in mind when making their products. Their products also come with a one year money back guarantee if you are not happy with the results of their products. Another great thing they do is donate 5% of the sale of your order to organizations that rescue dogs and cats. That right there shows you how much they are invested in the dogs who use their products. I love everything about this company.
I received this product in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.
If you would like to purchase k9 Joint Relief, click here.
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