Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Individually Wrapped Hand Sanitizing Wipes by Softy

When I asked to review this item, I had no idea it was for a box of 100. I was so glad there were so many in the box because I needed them in so many different places. My husband travels a lot so some went in his carry on bag. My dog has medical issues, so some went in her doggy travel bag.  I sent some to my mom, some in hubby's bug out bag, some I saved for when hubby goes hunting and kept some at home.

I love these sanitizing wipes.  They're individually packed so they can easily fit in any nooks and crannies in a purse, diaper bag, carry on bag etc.  The have a very light citrus scent.  Nothing overpowering but you get a faint smell of citrus.  They're alcohol free so there are no occasions of stinging on your hands. They're extra large, so they actually fit your whole hand.  The measure 7" x 8" so you can see that they really are big. It's not like the smaller ones where you need 3 or 4 just to wipe your hands. They are also extra thick and plush so your hands won't tear the wipe while using them.  The antibacterial kills 99.9% of germs within 5 seconds. They have Vitamin E and Aloe so my hands actually get moisturized as opposed to my skin drying out with normal wipes. You can even use them on your face without it drying out or feeling greasy.

Bottom line, I LOVE these wipes!  They are perfect for anywhere.  When I run out, I will be purchasing more.  Thanks Softy for making such a reliable product.

I received this product in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion. 
If you would like to purchase the Sanitizing Wipes by Softy, click here.